
Socially Responsive, Environmentally Friendly Logic

Socially Responsive, Environmentally Friendly Logic
by Samson Abramsky

We consider the following questions: What kind of logic has a natural semantics in
multi-player (rather than 2-player) games? How can we express branching quantifiers, and
other partial-information constructs, with a properly compositional syntax and semantics?
We develop a logic in answer to these questions, with a formal semantics based on multiple
concurrent strategies, formalized as closure operators on Kahn-Plotkin concrete domains.
Partial information constraints are represented as co-closure operators. We address the
syntactic issues by treating syntactic constituents, including quantifiers, as arrows in a
category, with arities and co-arities. This enables a fully compositional account of a wide
range of features in a multi-agent, concurrent setting, including IF-style quantifiers.

This paper seems to unify multiple interesting directions - logic, game semantics, concurrent constraint programming (and concurrent programming in general).

At the same time it remains very accessible, without overwhelming amount of math, so can be hopefully useful not only for academics. I, for one, was waiting for exactly this kind of paper for two years (and my interest is very practical).

Multiplayer Curry-Howard correspondence, anyone? Or Curry-Howard for web services?