
Gamma formalism

We remember all too well a recent discussion on LtU in which the OP complained about PLs to be too low level. If I understood correctly the authors goal was a language which is essentially data-driven and has no notion of control flow. The control-flow should somehow emerge from the "need" of data.

After a while this idea started to work in my mind and I remembered reading some papers in the late '90s about the "chemical reaction metaphor" in computing which has some resemblence. I'm not sure if the work of Banatre et al about the Gamma formalism was ever mentioned on LtU so I refer to some papers about Gamma and related topics I found on the Web.

The chemical reaction metaphor
Structured Gamma
Autonomic Computing
Higher Order Chemisty
Parallel Computing

Cost of provably-correct code

Some of you my find this discussion (especially the cost estimates) interesting.