
Tim Bray: On Ruby

I’ll jump to the conclusion first. For people like me, who are proficient in Perl and Java, Ruby is remarkably, perhaps irresistibly, attractive.

Tim Bray shares his experience with Ruby.

The main advanatges seem to be more readable code, that the language seems to encourage short methods, and the lovely comuunity. Sounds good to me...

Erlang Workshop 2006

The program for this year's Erlang Workshop is now available online at:

The workshop will be held in Portland, Oregon, on September 16.

Of special note this year is a 90 minute tutorial on "Large Scale Software Engineering with Erlang: Using Advanced Erlang/OTP" by Francesco Cesarini of Erlang Training & Consulting. This will be a good opportunity for software developers who have heard of Erlang to learn what all the buzz is about.

Registration before August 18 costs $85 for non-ACM members and $75 for students and ACM members.

Marc Feeley
General Chair of the Erlang Workshop