
width still fixed?


Thanks for a still tremendous site!

Any chance of having the text of things be HTML w/out fixed widths? I am finding that even on a real, large display, things are chopped off the RHS and I have to scroll to-and-fro to read anything. I don't think any of my Firefox settings are causing this, I have tried dis/enabling things to experiment, with no useful results.

Maybe it is something about that particular page since others don't seem to have the problem. Hm...

[Firefox on WinXP Pro.]

Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments

Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments, VSTTE 2006, Workshop proceedings. K. Rustan M. Leino; Wolfram Schulte. August 2006.

The papers are:

  • Formalising a High-Performance Microkernel written in Haskell, using Isabelle/HOL.
  • Automated Verification of UPC Memory Consistency. UPC is a shared memory extension of C.
  • Automated Model-based Verification of Object-Oriented Code, describing ESpec which is a suite of tools that facilitate the testing and verification of Eiffel programs.
  • Cross-Verification of JML Tools: An ESC/Java2 Case Study which concludes that the use of JML RAC uncovered desgin flaws that ESC/Java2 was unable to report.
  • Static Stability Analysis of Embedded, Autocoded Software.

ESC not just for Java any more

Dana N. Xu's ESC/Haskell:
I this paper, we describe an extended static checking tool for Haskell, named ESC/Haskell, that is based on symbolic computation and assisted by a few novel properties. One novelty is our use of Haskell as the specification language itself for pre/post conditions.