
Delevoping a new language...

Hello, everybody.
I'm developing a new programming language, which can be described as hybrid imperative/functional/object-oriented one. It has borrowed a lot from:

-- LISP and Scheme (lists as the most important data structure),
-- Perl, Ruby and some other scripting languages (multi-dimensional arrays, hashes with any key type, regexps still to be implemented),
-- OO-features like in C++/Java (but with persistant class->object bindings),
-- finally, even with some WWW formatting and data declaration languages (like (X)HTML/XML/JS...) (The original idea was (and remains) to try replacement of static "declarative-type" languages like HTML with dynamic functional-type language, allowing construction of text/graphic page content on the run.)

(I'm not sure, is this forum suitable for discussion of such project - but if it is, i'll try to supply some more info.)

Computer Aided Formal Reasoning (@ Nottingham)

We'll be peeling away that disguise and showing how you can integrate programming and proof in a single system, if you happen to have a functional language with an expressive type system handy...

Have you guessed? It's an Epigram course module from the University of Nottingham.

What you will find in the linked page is a set of exercises which consist of downloadable Epigram files for your enjoyment.

On Publishing

Does any on have any suggestions on where a good place to submit a paper on type systems would be? Say for example, a paper which describes the type system and type inference algorithm for a stack based compositional language.

Much appreciated,
Christopher Diggins

FP vs. JSP

Somebody who professes to not particularly like FP finds themselves implementing one: via Artima, the StringTemplate system shows what a trained software developer can do to clean up the previously somewhat filthy world of templating. (Although I think the Perl HTML templating library I used before was "push" too, by the way; maybe it is just the JSP users who were sent down the wrong path for so long).