
Programming Language Research Search Engine

I've built a search engine dedicated to searching sites about programming languages (with an emphasis on theory) using the Google co-op services. You can find the search engine at:

Now you don't have to append your Google searches with extra superflous terms like "fish language" or "cat language" or "mixin types", you can just type in "fish", "cat" or "mixin".

There is still a fair amount of work to be done to fine-tune it, and increase the number of sites it searches. Let me know though if you can think of ways it can be improved.

Peyton-Jones and Harris discuss STM (1h video)


Programming in the Age of Concurrency: Software Transactional Memory

Recently, we visited MSR Cambridge(UK) to meet some of the great minds working there. In this case, we were fortunate enough to get an hour's time with Simon Peyton-Jones and Tim Harris, who are researchers working on a very hard problem: making it easier (more predictable, more reliable, more composable) to write concurrent applications in this the age of Concurrency (multi-core is a reality, not a dream).

Grammar Visualization

An interesting visual comparison of the grammars of Ruby, Java 1.5 and Javascript.

Anyone care to interpret the graphs?