
Ralph Johnson: Language workbenches

My only complaint about Martin (Fowler)'s talk is that he didn't mention Smalltalk and that he said that the Lisp people have been making DSLs for 20 years. I learned about them about 20 years ago, and the Lisp people had been doing it for 20 years before that, so I think they have been doing it for 40 years. Neverthless, DSLs are only starting to become a hot topic. OOPSLA has had a Domain Specific Modeling workshop for four or five years, and I'm hoping that next year it will grow into a symposium. These are ideas that need to become ubiquitous.

Ralph also mentions Intentional Software and points to Fowler's JAOO talk on Domain Specific Languages, a video of which is available online.

Java Generics and Collections

I just noticed the existence of this O'Reilly book penned, so it seems, by Maurice Naftalin and (believe it or not) Philip Wadler! Is this for real, or a very elaborate hoax? It seems possible, if you remember the history of Java generics, so I guess it's true, but if someone actually saw a copy I'd be reassured...

The blurb, by the way, is from Gilad Bracha who says that this is a crystal-clear tutorial that starts with the basics and ends leaving the reader with a deep understanding of both the use and design of generics. Ya think?!