
Cheat Sheet

As some feel that LtU is too math bound, there's only one solution for us underachievers - a Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet.

(Most of it is vaguely familiar, as I've taken a lot of math courses over the years. Sadly though I'd need a much longer set of crib notes to jog my memory. Personally I think most CS based math is really simple, but it also is quite terse - much like many PLs.)

Possibly the world's shortest APL interpreter

EMPL: Small APL for the Intel 8080

It fits in 5808 bytes. ... Today, you can use a C 8080 simulator to run the EMPL code after first converting it from hex to binary

I guess we should look forward to the completion of Python for Toddlers :-)


LtU had to be taken offline for about three hours earlier today, for unscheduled database maintenance. Everything should be back to normal now.