
More Haskell in Java 7 or 8?

An interesting blog post from Ralf Lammel which may raise some reactions...

The post refers to the paper JavaGI: Generalized Interfaces for Java (Stefan Wehr and Ralf Lammel and Peter Thiemann). Here's a teaser:

generalized interfaces cater for retroactive and conditional interface implementations, binary methods, static methods, default methods, interfaces over families of types, and existential quantification for interface-bounded types. As a result, many anticipatory uses of design patterns such as Adapter, Factory and Visitor become obsolete...

GAs v. GPs

I am a Ph.D. statistician (with no formal GP training) with a perfervid desire for upgrading "old" statistics,
which was formulated within the small-data setting of the day over 200 years ago, to accommodate today's big data via hybrid GP-statisitcs models.

Now, my question of long standing in my head without an answer, if you please.I was told several years ago by a University of Chicago assistant professor, who was on the board of doctoral students in GAs/GPs,
that the GA paradigm can be extended into the GP paradigm. Is this true?
If so, I would appreciate a path-of-least resistance reply from you: a reference, or a quick blurb from you.
