

This may be a naive question from an unlearned youngster, but I'm wondering if there has been research into alternatives to exceptions as a means of detecting and dealing with runtime errors.

The practice of returning error codes is usually discouraged in favor of exceptions for good reasons. Exceptions are sure to be caught somewhere in some way, or else they can cause the program to die with perhaps a moderately useful error message, trigger a debugger in a structured way, etc. Exceptions that aren't being handled can be checked for (using a language with a type system that can do that sort of thing, anyway), and that's often a handy thing to be able to do. Error codes, on the other hand, are very arbitrary, can have overlapping ID numbers, don't carry extra information, etc.

Exceptions, though, seem to carry with them their own baggage and limitations. Sometimes that baggage is nothing more than perceived syntactic "ugliness," but I think there's a little more to it than that. Perhaps I'm just not well versed enough in PL theory (and perhaps real life experience) to really "get" it, but it seems slightly wrong/ugly (to me) that an exception usually takes you out of the normal flow of code and into a kind of mystical land of uncertainty where an error in one situation may lead to being caught in routine X, but the same error in another situation is caught in routine Y - leaving all of the state in between somewhat ambiguous. I realize that many languages have mechanisms for handling those situations (like "finally" blocks to clear up things before you leave the scope for good), but that all feels a bit like the tedium associated with manual memory management rather than the live-and-let-live approach of garbage collection.

For example, say a block of code is writing to an output file and it runs out of disk space. The write() call causes an exception. This exception may not be handled in the routine that was doing the writing on account that the original author may have figured it'd be best for the higher-level logic to decide what to do. Okay - so this exception is thrown and it's a low-level "disk full" kind of error. It ends up getting caught way high up in the logic tree where the programmer originally had called something like: At that stage in the logic, the programmer should be thinking abstractly about his/her problem and not be so much concerned that the object is being saved to disk, a database, or whatever. But it turns out that now there has to be code there to catch rather specific errors like "disk full." Obviously that write() exception could have been caught earlier and transformed into something more general, but how far are you willing to go? When do you break down and do a catch( * ) { throw Exception('something bad happened') }? On top of all that, where does the application decide on how to proceed? Should it erase the output file on account that it's likely corrupted now and in a half-finished state? Or should it leave it there as-is? What if the application needs to ask the user? How do you pass the answer back down the chain from the UI to the business logic layer that does the actual work? (Note: This may be a badly engineered example, but I think it's a reasonably realistic one that reflects the kinds of problems that crop up in real code that's not been well engineered but can't be thrown away and rewritten from scratch due to time/budget/political pressures.)

Anyway, I'm interested in hearing about other approaches to handling runtime errors that may have popped up over the years and, perhaps, information as to why exceptions are the apparently preferred method of doing things by the mainstream (and even not-so-mainstream) languages. Is it simply because there hasn't been any better alternatives? Or are there much better reasons which I am simply missing the point of. :-)

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