
Call by push-value

The Call By Push-Value FAQ
So I should give MyLang a miss, and study CBPV instead?
Science is reductionism. Once the fine structure has been exposed, why ignore it?

Paul Blain Levy papers

Call-by-push-value is a programming language paradigm that, surprisingly, breaks down the call-by-value and call-by-name paradigms into simple primitives. This monograph, written for graduate students and researchers, exposes the call-by-push-value structure underlying a remarkable range of semantics, including operational semantics, domains, possible worlds, continuations and games.

This topic is not unknown on LtU but my search did not turn up any thread focused on the subject. l am looking for some help understanding the concepts.

Berkeley Webcast Courses

UC Berkeley provides a webcast of the lectures for a number of their introductory college courses. Being immersed in SICP, I decided that it might be a good idea to listen to the lectures for CS 61A from Brian Harvey which uses SICP as the text. I don't know if going back to fundamentals will interest others here on LtU, but this is a good resource for a beginning CS computer course. Of course, being a series of some 40+ lectures during the course of a semester, it has both the advantages and disadvantages of learning the material through the academic setting (40+ hours is too long for casual learners).

A couple of tidbits. Although the course uses SICP as the text, it's used more as background material. The course has a certain Logo accent with the examples, with a preference for word and sentence problems rather than math problems - at least at the start of the course. It also jumps into subject matters like client-server and object-oriented programming that are a stretch of the text. Two of the lectures are occupied by videos from Alan Kay and Dan Ingalls. And the subjects of the lectures don't necessarily follow SICP in a sequential manner (the Scheme1 interpreter is interleaved with trees in chapter 2). That said, I liked seeing SICP presented from a different angle.

From a PL perspective, the most interesting piece is likely the lectures on Logo. One of the projects revolves around modifying the meta-circular evaluator to Logo. With Brian Harvey's knowledge of both Scheme (Simply Scheme) and Logo (Computer Science Logo Style), there is a lecture and a half (somewhere around the Meta-Circular subject) that goes into the parallels between Scheme and Logo. Also a discussion of the PL design decisions that went into Logo (dynamic scoping, namespace seperation,...).

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