
Almost everything happened in the Golden Age, right?

When writing CTM I was struck with how many of the good ideas in programming languages were discovered early on. The decade 1964-1974 seems to have been a "Golden Age": most of the good ideas of programming languages appeared then. For example:

  • Functional programming: Landin's SECD machine (1964)
  • Object-oriented programming: Dahl and Nygaard's Simula (1966)
  • Axiomatic semantics: Hoare (1969)
  • Logic programming: Elcock's Absys (1965), Colmerauer's Prolog (1972)
  • Backtracking: Floyd (1967)
  • Capability security: Dennis and Van Horn (1965)
  • Declarative concurrency: Kahn (1974)
  • Message-passing concurrency: Hewitt's Actor model (1973)
  • Shared-state concurrency: Hoare's monitors (1974)
  • Software engineering: Brooks's mythical man-month (1974)

It is a sobering thought that not much new stuff has come since then. Hindley-Milner type inferencing in 1978, constraint programming in 1980, CCS (precursor of pi-calculus) in 1980. What revolutionary new ideas came since 1980? Most of the work since then seems to have been in consolidation and integration (combining the power of the different ideas). Right?

Automatic termination proofs for programs with shape-shifting heaps

Automatic termination proofs for programs with shape-shifting heaps

by Josh Berdine, Byron Cook, Dino Distefano, and Peter W. O'Hearn
Abstract. We describe a new program termination analysis designed to handle imperative programs whose termination depends on the mutation of the program's heap. We first describe how an abstract interpretation can be used to construct a finite number of relations which, if each is well-founded, implies termination. We then give an abstract interpretation based on separation logic formula which tracks the depths of pieces of heaps. Finally, we combine these two techniques to produce an automatic termination prover. We show that the analysis is able to prove the termination of loops extracted from Windows device drivers that could not be proved terminating before by other means; we also discuss a previously unknown bug found with the analysis.

Gradual Typing for Objects

Gradual Typing for Objects. Jeremy Siek and Walid Taha.

Static and dynamic type systems have well-known strengths and weaknesses. In previous work we developed a gradual type system for a functional calculus named [...]. Gradual typing provides the benefits of both static and dynamic checking in a single language by allowing the programmer to control whether a portion of the program is type checked at compile-time or run-time by adding or removing type annotations on variables. Several object-oriented scripting languages are preparing to add static checking. To support that work this paper develops [another calculus], a gradual type system for object-based languages, extending the [...] calculus of Abadi and Cardelli. Our primary contribution is to show that gradual typing and subtyping are orthogonal and can be combined in a principled fashion. We also develop a small-step semantics, provide a machine-checked proof of type safety, and improve the space efficiency of higher-order casts.

The authors' previous work on gradual typing was discussed here. This brings it to an object-oriented setting which is (as the abstract points out) very directly applicable to mainstream scripting languages, at least in principle.

[Edit: This is from the types list, where the authors also added: "We will present the paper at ECOOP 2007 and would be especially interested in any feedback on the paper before the final submission is due on April 25."]

Lightweight Fusion by Fixed Point Promotion

Lightweight Fusion by Fixed Point Promotion, Atsushi Ohori and Isao Sasano.

This paper proposes a lightweight fusion method for general recursive function definitions. Compared with existing proposals, our method has several significant practical features: it works for general recursive functions on general algebraic data types; it does not produce extra runtime overhead (except for possible code size increase due to the success of fusion); and it is readily incorporated in standard inlining optimization. This is achieved by extending the ordinary inlining process with a new fusion law that transforms a term of the form f o (fix g.λx.E) to a new fixed point term fix h.λx.E' by promoting the function f through the fixed point operator.

This is a sound syntactic transformation rule that is not sensitive to the types of f and g. This property makes our method applicable to wide range of functions including those with multi-parameters in both curried and uncurried forms. Although this method does not guarantee any form of completeness, it fuses typical examples discussed in the literature and others that involve accumulating parameters, either in the foldl-like specific forms or in general recursive forms, without any additional machinery.

In order to substantiate our claim, we have implemented our method in a compiler. Although it is preliminary, it demonstrates practical feasibility of this method.

Deforestation is one of those optimizations every functional programmer who has ever had to rewrite a beautiful composition of maps and filters into an evil, ugly explicit fold has always longed for. Unfortunately, the standard lightweight fusion algorithms have trouble with examples as simple as foldl, and this paper has a very nice account of a simple algorithm that can handle it.