
Threads in JavaScript?

Threads in JavaScript? "Over your dead body," says Brendan.

But Neil Mix begs to differ -- they're already there!

Neil's latest blog post presents a cool hack combining JavaScript 1.7's generators with trampolined style to implement very lightweight cooperative threads.

The implementation weighs in at a breathtakingly small 4k.

[ANN] Code Generation 2007 Programme available

The programme for Code Generation 2007 taking place in Cambridge, UK from May 18th - 20th, is now on-line.

The event includes over 30 sessions from leading experts in the fields of Model-Driven Development, Software Factories, Software Product Lines and other related topics. Other sessions cover how to start with Code Generation, evolution issues and where the future of the field lies.

The event is supported by OMG, The IET and IASA.