
[Req. for Comments] Cat: A Typed Functional Stack-Based Language

I've completely revised the Cat technical report, based on a lot of valuable feedback from members of (and others).

The revised version is posted at, and I'd be very grateful for any additional comments or suggestions.

Cat: A Typed Functional Stack-Based Language

Cat is a purely functional stack-based language with very simple semantics and a novel type system, which makes it appropriate for usage as an intermediate language. Cat differs from most other functional languages in that the concatenation of terms implies the operation of function composition instead of the more common operation of function application.

This paper presents the semantics and a type-system for Cat, and briefly discusses some of the interesting properties of the language.

I am hoping to submit to ICFP 2007, but if anyone has any suggestions for other appropriate venues, I'd love to hear them.

Thanks in advance!



I was just going thro abt MapReduce for my final year project work.....

I got confused in the middle.... What i thought is "MapReduce deals greatly with key/value pairs only... For fitting a problem into mapreduce we should find the key/value pairs"

I want to know whether im right or wrong....

I got confused after looking at the explanation in wikipedia... The following is the content in wikipedia abt mapreduce...

"Continuing the previous example, what if one wanted to know the average of the test scores? One could define a reduce function which halved the size of the list by adding an entry in the list to its neighbor, recursively continuing until there is only one (large) entry, and dividing the total sum by the original number of elements to get the average."

Here in map function we are simply adding up the test scores.... we are not using any key/value pair..... Im totally confused....

I might be wrong at any point... please someone help me out..... Am i wrong in the basic understanding of MapReduce itself..... Ill be thankful if anyone explains me clearly...

please help me out to successfully complete my final year project....


Finite State Machines in Forth

No matter what your opinion of Forth, this is an enticing paper. J.V. Noble takes an interesting problem from rough implementation through an elegant solution which takes advantage of the compile-time features of Forth. There aren't many easily accessible papers that show how beautiful Forth can be, so this is worth taking some time to understand, especially if you've a fondness for stack-based languages.