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archivesWashington DC- FringeDC Haskell/Scheme Presentation March 24thMarch 24th 2007, 6PM Formal meeting- Intro to Haskell, plus some PARSEC wizardry. Adam Turoff, our resident Haskell guru, will be giving a presentation on said language. If you live near DC and have an interest in Haskell, this'll be your rare opportunity to get exposed to the laziest of functional languages! Plus, we'll have a small presentation on some fun plt-scheme code as an opening act (and, of course, we'll go out for beer as a closing act) By drcode at 2007-03-16 03:22 | LtU Forum | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 4705 reads
Virgil: Objects on the Head of a PinRemarkable little language. This thread on embedded languages got me looking, and I came across this paper:
Looks very promising. It's notion of "initialization-time" is worthy of further thought. See also the Virgil homepage, where you can download preliminary source releases. The features page list a number of interesting tidbits as well: Virgil will soon support tail call optimization! In particular, see what's coming in Virgil II: * Parametric types An Intensional Type Theory: Motivation and Cut-EliminationAn Intensional Type Theory: Motivation and Cut-Elimination, Paul C. Gilmore.
Russell showed Frege's original foundations of mathematics inconsistent when he invented Russell's paradox -- does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself? This paradox arises because Frege's logic contained an unrestricted comprehension principle -- you could create a set from any predicate. This allows you to cook up vicious cycles such as in Russell's paradox, and the traditional method (invented by Russell) for avoiding these cycles is to allow quantification in a predicative hierarchy: when you comprehend a predicate at level i, you create a set at level i+1, and a predicate at a given level can never mention sets at a higher level. This paper claims that you can allow unrestricted impredicative quantification if you keep careful track of Frege's sense-reference distinction, and distinguish between predicates and names of predicates. This (if it really works -- I haven't done more than skim the paper yet) would be a different method of using a predicative hierarchy to avoid the paradoxes. |
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