

The theory LCF, for Logic of Computable Functions, was proposed by Dana Scott as a theory in the spirit of Church's simple theory of types which allows the computable functions to be characterised, and which comes with a rich enough logical theory to be analytically useful.

PCF, the Programming with Computable Functions toy language, was proposed by Robin Milner in an exposition of Scott's work on LCF.

The two formalisms have been enormously fruitful in theoretical computer science, and I've noticed that two of the early seminal papers are available as scanned PDFs:

Dana Scott's original 1969 manuscript, A theory of computable functions of higher type was, I believe, only ever circulated informally, and I've never got hold of the manuscript in any form.

Abstract Interface Types in GNAT: Conversions, Discriminants, and C++

Abstract Interface Types in GNAT: Conversions, Discriminants, and C++. Javier Miranda and Edmond Schonberg.

Ada 2005 Abstract Interface Types provide a limited and practical form of multiple inheritance of specifications. In this paper we cover the following aspects of their implementation in the GNAT compiler: interface type conversions, the layout of variable sized tagged objects with interface progenitors, and the use of the GNAT compiler for interfacing with C++ classes with compatible inheritance trees.

The addition of interface types, of the type found in Java, to Ada2005 presented compiler writers with an implementation challenge. This is a third paper in a series describing the implementation of interfaces in the GNAT Ada compiler (an earlier paper dealt with synchronized interfaces, an interesting special case).

The present paper deals mainly with issues caused by interface type conversions, and the related data layout issues. Of special interest is section 6 which shows how to write a C++/Ada multi-language program, in which method calls can be dispatched across language boundaries. Handling the multiple inheritance in the C++ code in this example is possible because the base classes have only pure virtual functions.

Twitter and Rails brouhaha

I am a bit reluctant to post about this, since many of the issues involved are not programming language related. I hope we can manage to avoid discussing these issues here - there are plenty of better places to discuss them.

Still, many issues that are raised in this multi-blog discussion about the performance of Rails, and Ruby in general, may be of interest from a programming language perspective. More important, in my opinion, is to put this discussion in the context of the recent revival of frameworks. We discussed many of the recent interesting libraries and frameworks. Let me point out that not only are we reaching a point where languages and frameworks are judged together (with "Ruby on Rails" a classic example), but more and more libraries make use of advanced programming techniques that were considered arcane and esoteric not long ago (e.g., jQuery use of closures, metaprogramming and code generation etc.) This is an important development, and an interesting area to keep an eye on.