
Python 3000 Status Update

Guido updates the vision. Syntax focus seems cancerous, leaving FP sandwiched between set literals and backtick syntax, under Miscellany:

  • reduce() is gone. This doesn't mean I don't like higher-order functions; it simply reflects that almost all code that uses reduce() becomes more readable when rewritten using a plain old for-loop. (Example.)
  • lambda, however, lives.

Guido says that example "gives reduce() a bad name" which leaves me wondering as to its relevance. The idea that FP = Miscellany makes me wonder why the more stunning Python success stories (Google) involve FP techniques. Elsewhere:

  • zip(), map(), filter() return iterables

So FP is not even a free-standing category yet. I sometimes wish PLT Spy would revive, or that some FP language would target Python intermediate code. The value of Python is often stated to be its libraries.

I also wonder if Python people might build intuition by watching REBOL (=Lisp) people at work. They seem to enjoy puzzles. The motivating notion would be "hey! that REBOL trick should be so easy in Python."

Katahdin: Modifying your programming language as it runs

Katahdin is a programming language where you can define new language constructs such as expressions and statements as easily as new types or functions. For example, you could define a new operator, a new type of loop, implement a syntax from another language that you like. After defining a new construct you can use it on the next line in the same file, so there is no need to recompile each time you want to add a new construct. Katahdin is powerful enough that you can define an entire existing language, or design a new language from scratch, making Katahdin a universal language interpreter.

For example, most programming languages have a modulo, or remainer operator. To define one from scratch in Katahdin it is only a few lines:

class ModExpression : Expression {
  pattern {
    option leftRecursive;
    a:Expression "%" b:Expression

  method Get() {
    a = this.a.Get...();
    b = this.a.Get...();
    return a - (b * (a / b));

Katahdin is an application of parsing expression grammars and packrat parsing, an active area of research. The site contains a master's thesis and public domain source code.

Application-specific foreign-interface generation

Application-specific foreign-interface generation, John Reppy and Chunyan Song, October 2006.

A foreign interface (FI) mechanism to support interoperability with libraries written in other languages (especially C) is an important feature in most high-level language implementations. Such FI mechanisms provide a Foreign Function Interface (FFI) for the high-level language to call C functions and marshaling and unmarshaling mechanisms to support conversion between the high-level and C data representations. Often, systems provide tools to automate the generation of FIs, but these tools typically lock the user into a specific model of interoperability. It is our belief that the policy used to craft the mapping between the high-level language and C should be distinct from the underlying mechanism used to implement the mapping.

In this paper, we describe a FI generation tool, called FIG (for Foreign Interface Generator) that embodies a new approach to the problem of generating foreign interfaces for high-level languages. FIG takes as input raw C header files plus a declarative script that specifies the generation of the foreign interface from the header file. The script sets the policy for the translation, which allows the user to tailor the resulting FI to his or her application. We call this approach application-specific foreign-interface generation. The scripting language uses rewriting strategies as its execution model. The other major feature of the scripting language is a novel notion of composable typemaps that describe the mapping between high-level and low-level types.

FFIs are a perennial engineering problem, and it's very nice to see progress being made on automating what's automatable about building interfaces. Their interface specification language is built from two little DSLs. The first one is a language that for specifying how to map low level types to high level types, and the second one is a rewriting-based language for translating API functions, which makes use of the type mapping programs you defined earlier. The whole thing is quite pretty, and seems to read very well.

An interesting gimme for you stack-language fans: the DSL that Reppy and Song use to specify type mappings from low-level to high-level types is a combinator-based language that reads a bit like Forth or Postscript.