
Lambda Animator

Lambda Animator from Mike Thyer is a tool for displaying and experimenting with alternate reduction strategies in the LC. The tool can use a number of reduction strategies, including completely lazy evaluation.

The tool can be invoked in several different modes (via JWS or as an applet), and contains many examples, and the documentation provides clear definitions of the sometime confusing terminology in the field.

Notice that the "step" and "run" buttons only work when rendering new graphs, which only works if you are running in trusted mode and have Graphviz installed. Otherwise you'll have to use the the up/down cursor keys or the scroll bar to review already rendered graphs (which exist for all the examples).

The site list relevant papers and dissertations.

Pretty Printers for Lightweight static Types

Looking into Halgreen's Fun with Functional Dependencies and Shan/Kiselyov's Lightweight static capabilities, I am curious has there been any work done on prettifying the syntax involved in doing computation on the type level. Has camlp4 or Template Haskell been used in making the syntax for like the native language? Perhaps even maybe more Prolog-like?"

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

A Natural Axiomatization of Church's Thesis

A Natural Axiomatization of Church's Thesis. Nachum Dershowitz and Yuri Gurevich. July 2007.

The Abstract State Machine Thesis asserts that every classical algorithm is behaviorally equivalent to an abstract state machine. This thesis has been shown to follow from three natural postulates about algorithmic computation. Here, we prove that augmenting those postulates with an additional requirement regarding basic operations implies Church's Thesis, namely, that the only numeric functions that can be calculated by effective means are the recursive ones (which are the same, extensionally, as the Turing-computable numeric functions). In particular, this gives a natural axiomatization of Church's Thesis, as Gödel and others suggested may be possible.

While not directly dealing with programming languages, I still think this paper might be of interest, since our field (and our discussions) are often concerned with computability (or effective computation, if you prefer).

The idea the Church's Thesis can be proven is not new, and indeed there seems to be a cottage industry devoted to this issue (for a quick glance search the paper for references to Gandy and work related to his).

Even if the discussion of ASMs is not your cup of tea, it seems like a good idea to keep in mind the distinctions elaborated in the conclusions section between "Thesis M" (the "Physical C-T Thesis"), the "AI Thesis", and the "standard" meaning of the C-T thesis.

Another quote (from the same section) that may prove useful in future LtU discussions: We should point out that, nowadays, one deals daily with more flexible notions of algorithm, such as interactive and distributed computations. To capture such non-sequential processes and non-classical algorithms, additional postulates are required.