
Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

This is about to put a definition/description to test. So please cooperate!
Is this a useful – sufficient, not complete – definition/description for a
monad; for an imperative mind: (?)

"A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against it's variable in
each iteration."

(I insist on the simplicity! And I will resist any expansion of this
sentence (except for an exceptional note that I think of it hardly).
I think there is not any complete definitions in computer world. At least
there are many things to know when you want to use them in practice. So
please have this in mind and review me!)

Cheers :)

This is not correct in the context of Haskell. (Alexis Hazell mentioned it on haskell-cafe to me)

But I meant in (for instance) the context of C# , for a C# programmer,
who have not any Haskell knowledge.

continuations and trampolining

In the process of working on the mechanics of my pet language design something just occurred to me: is "trampolining" as is normally done for tail-recursion, etc., just a poor-man's version of calling continuations?

Just a thought.