
Metaprogramming with Traits

Metaprogramming with Traits, Aaron Turon and John Reppy. ECOOP 2007

In many domains, classes have highly regular internal structure. For example, so-called business objects often contain boilerplate code for mapping database fields to class members. The boilerplate code must be repeated per-field for every class, because existing mechanisms for constructing classes do not provide a way to capture and reuse such member-level structure. As a result, programmers often resort to ad ho code generation. This paper presents a lightweight mechanism for specifying and reusing member-level structure in Java programs. The proposal is based on a modest extension to traits that we have termed trait-based metaprogramming. Although the semantics of the mechanism are straightforward, its type theory is difficult to reconcile with nominal subtyping. We achieve reconciliation by introducing a hybrid structural/nominal type system that extends Java's type system. The paper includes a formal calculus defined by translation to Featherweight Generic Java.

This paper explains how to scratch an itch I've had for a long, long time -- uniformly generating groups of fields and methods, including computation of the field/method names. Something like this would be quite useful in an ML-like language's module system, too.

LtU beer party - Jerusalem

It turns out thaty both Luke and me are in Jerusalem at the moment (well, I am usually there)! Luke is here until the end of August, and we want to have a little meeting for LtU members and friends.

If you want to join us for drinks and discussion of esoteric languages let me know (please suggest dates, and mention any special food/drinks requirements if you have them).

Google Python Sprint 2007

Joining this event (August 22-25) or following the action from afar may be a good way to keep up with Python 3000.

The first alpha release (3.0a1) should be just around the corner.