
Simon Peyton-Jones Haskell Video

Simon Peyton-Jones gave an enjoyable introduction to Haskell at OSCON 2007
for those interested: [part1, part2, slides] including another example of his Programming Language Nirvana chart during the Q&A session towards the end of the video.

History of causes as object identity

I vaguely remember reading a paper that proposed semantics in which a trace or history of causes that lead to creation of an object was treated as this object's identity, but am unable to locate it anymore.

I realize that Google is more appropriate for posting such questions than LtU, but for some reason I am unable to persuade it to reply with the right answer...

Any (meta-)pointers/suggestions are very welcome!

R6RS Validated

R6RS has been ratified, with approximately 2/3rds of voters in favour.

Barker & Szabolcsi: New directions for proof theory in linguistics

Barker & Szabolcsi: New directions for proof theory in linguistics. ESSLLI 2007.

We sometimes mention that some of the theoretical tools used in PLT are aslo used in linguistics, and this is a great resource for those who want to catch up on recent developments, as well as for those who want to know what's all the fuss is about.

You'll find all the usual suspects: types, continuations, Curry-Howard etc.
