
CFP: 8th international workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA 2008)

This is the Call For Papers for the Eighth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA 2008)

LDTA is a satellite event of ETAPS which takes place between March 29 and April 6, 2008 in Budapest, Hungary.



LDTA is an application and tool oriented forum on meta programming in a broad sense. A meta program is a program that takes other programs as input or output. The focus of LDTA is on generated or otherwise efficiently implemented meta programs, possibly using high level descriptions of programming languages. Tools and techniques presented at LDTA are usually applicable in the context of "Language Workbenches" or "Meta Programming Systems" or simply as parts of advanced programming environments or IDEs. The applications areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Program analysis, transformation, generation and verification
  • Implementation of Domain Specific Languages (both visual and textual)
  • Reverse engineering and reengineering
  • Refactoring and other source-to-source transformations
  • Application modelling (MDE, MDA, Software Factories, Product lines)
  • Grammar engineering / Grammarware
  • Language definition and language prototyping
  • Debugging, profiling and testing
  • IDE construction
  • Compiler construction

LDTA is traditionally a forum where computer science theories are put to the test of real-world software engineering issues, for example by applying:

  • context-free grammars to parser generation for real programming languages,
  • attribute grammars to static analyzer and compiler generation,
  • term rewriting to source-to-source transformation,
  • action semantics to programming language implementation,
  • model checking to software verification.

Note that LDTA solicits submissions from any technological or theoretical domain, as long as the paper is within the application scope.

Submission Procedure and Publication

Submissions in the following categories are admissible:

  • research papers,
  • experience reports,
  • tool demonstrations.

The final versions of accepted papers will be published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Elsevier Science, and will be made available during the workshop.

Each submission must:

  • be original, i.e. not published or submitted elsewhere,
  • contain a clear motivation,
  • contain a thorough analysis of the claimed results (not for tool demonstrations),
  • be written in less than 15 pages (research papers and experience reports), or less than 5 pages (tool demonstrations),
  • specify which category (research, experience, tool demonstration) the paper is to be considered under,
  • use the ENTCS style.

The authors of the research papers and experience reports are required to give a 25 minute presentation at LDTA 2008. The authors of the tool demonstrations are required to give a 15 minute introduction to the tool, and to demonstrate their tool in a more interactive (parallel) session during 90 minutes.

The authors of the best full-length papers will be invited to write a journal version of their paper which will be separately reviewed and, assuming acceptance, be published in journal form. As in past years, this will be done in a special issue devoted to LDTA 2008 of the journal Science of Computer Programming (Elsevier Science).

The authors of the best tool demonstrations will be invited to write a short paper and submit the source of code of their tool, which will both be separately reviewed and, assuming acceptance, be published in the special issue on Experimental Software and Toolkits (EST) of the journal Science of Computer Programming (Elsevier Science).

Please email your submission to both and

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: Friday November 30th, 2007
  • Paper and tool demo submission deadline: Friday December 7th, 2007
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday February 1st, 2008
  • Workshop date: Sunday April 5th, 2008