
Embedded concurrent FPish languages?

Given the expanding pool of small multi-core chips (that search doesn't include all of them e.g. ARM, Mips, ...), what "advanced" (at least having garbage collection :-) languages can fit in a small memory space and yet support some form of concurrency which takes advantage of these various architectures? There's two things that would be neat: #1 a chip + language that Just Works but is affordable (e.g. a decent breadboard development kit is < $200), #2 a nice language which would somehow be relatively easy to port to these different architectures.

Is this a compelling thing for neat languages to target? Or are we doomed to hand-roll with C? :-)

I've poked around reading up on some of the usual suspects like Erlang, various Schemes, various concurrent C things, I guess there's OcamlP3L, but I haven't come across any of them clearly being already targeted or easily re-targeted at these whacky chips. (I guess maybe ARM would be the most likely to be targeted but haven't hit pay dirt yet.) Presumably two of the hold-ups are: #1 whacky instruction sets and #2 super small memory space. E.g. something like Spin is not-so-portable I guess. And I don't know how expensive the SEAforth stuff is, or how much I want to be working in Forth.

Also, debugging (sorry if an ad shows up first) might be "fun".