
Does anyone know of work done on co-data-types?

There has been a lot of work done on co-data and stream programming, but the assumption is usually of a very simple repetitive data stream. Has anyone done any work on highly structured co-data or co-data-types? A data structure passed into a function represents a limit on all of it's constituent types, that is, the structure must be fully constructed (AND logic) before the function can be called. But a co-data structure (co-type) passed into a function represents a co-limit and only needs to be partially constructed (OR logic), perhaps the function can even return partial (co-data) results based upon the co-data-type it receives. This seems to me a very relevant topic for advancing stream programming and the exploitation of multiple layers of data parallelism.

time as a first class value?

Are there any languages or underlying algebra/calculi which make time a first class value?

In other words, instead of saying "send value X to object/actor Y," I'd like to say "send value X to object Y in 5 minutes." Or something like "do something starting at 1:00 am and every 5 minutes thereafter until 3:00 pm."

I realize that I can put a Java thread to sleep, until I need the action done or make time a signal (as done in FrTime) use the "dur" operator in JavaFx. However, I'm hoping to find some theoretical work rather than programming techniques. As far as I can tell, Lambda calculus, the Actor model and Pi-calculus don't deal with time directly.

New OMeta-related material

Toward A More Scalable End-User Scripting Language. Alessandro Warth, Takashi Yamamiya, Yoshiki Ohshima, Scott Wallace.

OMeta an OO Language for Pattern Matching (slides). Alessandro Warth and Ian Piumarta.

Previously on LtU.

Thanks to Chris Neukirchen for the pointers.

Project LambdaCan

You can get soup in a can. You can get bread in a can. Now the long wait is over! You can finally get Lambda Calculus in a can...Project LambdaCan takes [the Lambda Calculus] and implements it on a microcontroller better suited to the most mundane of tasks, like running a vending machine or microwave oven. And it sticks the microcontroller in a can that you can connect to your PC using a USB cable.

For those that are both language geeks and hardware geeks...

FringeDC informal meeting Saturday Feb 9th

FringeDC is a group for people interested in Lisp, Haskell, FP, and fringe languages in the DC area.

Hope to meet you there!

-Conrad Barski