
Species: making analytic functors practical for functional programming

Species: making analytic functors practical for functional programming, Jacques Carette and Gordon Uszkay. Submitted to MSFP 2008.

Inspired by Joyal's theory of species, we show how to add new type constructors and constructor combinators to the tool set of functional languages. We show that all the important properties of inductive types lift to this new setting. Species are analytic functors, representing a broader range of structures than regular functors. This includes structures such as bags, cycles and graphs. The theory is greatly inspired by combinatorics rather than type theory: this adds interesting new tools to bear, but also requires more work on our part to show that species form a good foundations for a theory of type constructors. The combinatorial tools provide a calculus for these structures which has strong links with classical analysis, via a functorial interpretation of generating series. Furthermore, we show how generic programming idioms also generalise to this richer setting. Once the theory is understood, various methods of implementation are relatively straightforward.

Learning more about the theory of species and working out its implications for programming has been on my to-do list for several years now. It really seems like the natural way to more tightly integrate combinatoric ideas into the functional programming style. (For an example of how fruitful this connection can be, consider how datatype differentiation explains zippers/functional pointers.)

However, there's been this whole "graduation" and "primary research focus" stuff that's kept getting in the way, so I'm happy to see that Carette and Uszkay are figuring it out so I can just crib from them. :)