
what a type system always proves vs. what it can be made to prove

It seems to me that PL theory focuses on type systems with respect to what they prove about all well-typed programs. It seems to me that PL theory does not focus on type systems with respect to what they can be made to prove about some well-typed programs.

Is my perception of this focus correct, and, if so, is this a good state of affairs?

I am open to the idea that the answer is "yes, that is PL theory's focus, and that is a good state of affairs since the rest is pragmatics, i.e. software engineering, not PL theory." But I guess I wouldn't have asked the question if I didn't have suspicions to the contrary.

Another way of asking it is, does PL theory treat type systems primarily as a way language designers help programmers, and only secondarily as a way language designers help programmers help themselves? Or does it treat neither role as primary? Or are these roles inseparable?


Continuation based I/O with referential trasparency (Hope+) ?

I haven't found anything more on this yet via Googling around; anybody know more? If it really means that all I/O is referentially transparent, it would be interesting to this newbie to see compare/contrast with e.g. Monadic approaches to I/O.


It has a continuation-based I/O system with referential transparency and is capable of handling all common I/O tasks such as terminal and file I/O, signal handling and interprocess communications.

erlang green threads and the CLR

Last few years i have been playing with creating my own programming languages, I've got a pretty good idea of what i want it to do and what i want it to look like. I've finally decided to go with the CLR virtual machine as the back end (simply because I'm working on a RAD language and not anything low level. If i need raw speed i will use asm, c, or forth) My problem is that all the common language runtime work i have done has been writing il code for basically toy languages and scripting tools, so while i know what i am getting into as to the ins and outs of compiler design what i don't know is if i could create erlang like green threads in any reasonable manor on the clr.
Anyone have a basic run down of how green threads are implemented in erlang and if i could do something similar on .net?

keep in mind the language will be pure functional sort of like haskell. I have a strong interest in making it erlang like with the concurrency because erlang simply got it right (though the syntax sucks).

Even if all you have is a link i'm cool with that, i'm not afraid to do a lot of research on my own =P