
First class class objects, class vs. value namespaces, etc.

I was reading up on Scala and noticed that classes and value bindings have different namespaces. This got me thinking about how different languages treat classes. As an extreme case, consider Smalltalk vs. C++.

I Googled for papers like crazy, but turned up nothing. There's just too much cruft involving keywords like "first class classes" and like queries.

Are there any good comparative studies/overviews of the treatment of classes in different object oriented languages and the implications/trade offs/etc. of these different treatments?

Any manifestos promoting one or another treatment would be great as well.

Thanks much!


Our Own Little Language

Many Programming Languages Can Be Extended Upon Somewhat Easily. Such As Python, Or Lua. As Well As Language Bridges Between Languages, Python And Lua Can Be Bridged Together With Lunatic-Python, Which Allows You To Invoke The Python Interpreter From Within Lua And The Lua Interpreter Inside Of Python. Anyway I Was Wondering If Anybody Here Is Familiar With The Superset Of C, Cilk.It Is Intended For Massive Parallelism In C Programs.I Was Wondering If Somebody Could Help Me Develop Wrappers For:
  • Swig
  • ,
  • Flex
  • ,
  • Bison
  • ,
  • Cilk
  • ,
  • ImageMagick
  • ,
  • Nyquist
  • FFLL
  • ,
  • Tesseract OCR
  • , And
  • Evolving Objects
For A Nice Little Collection Of Systems For Use In A New Programming Languages Or Extensions To Existing Ones, Extreme Programming I Will Call This Brainiac And Have Already Been Working On This For A While, However I Am A Beginner And Not Yet Have Enough Code For A Release, Other Than For A Collection Of Utilities.

2008 ICFP Programming Contest

Mark your calendars for Friday, July 11, 2008 to Monday, July 14,
2008: the dates for the eleventh annual ICFP Programming Contest.

The ICFP Programming Contest is one of the most advanced and
prestigious programming contests, as well as being a chance to show
off your programming skills, your favorite languages and tools, and
your ability to work as a team. The contest is affiliated with the
International Conference on Functional Programming. Teams consisting
of one or more participants, from any part of the world, using any
programming language, may enter.

The specific task will be announced when the contest begins. In the
meantime, watch the Web site for more information:

Please direct any questions to Tim Sheard at

-Tim Chevalier, on behalf of the 2008 contest organizers
(programming language devotees at Portland State University and
the University of Chicago)