
Help with study of functional programmers

Are you currently developing or maintaining a medium to large-sized
program written in a functional language, such as Haskell, F#, OCaml,
or Lisp? I'm a PhD student doing a study of functional programmers, as part of
a research internship at Microsoft, and I would like the opportunity to look over
your shoulder while you do debugging or coding on your project.

I'm looking for people with at least a year's experience doing
functional programming, and who are currently working on a real
project (i.e. for some purpose other than learning functional
programming). I'd simply come
watch you work, and ask a few questions along the way. You'd do
whatever you would normally be doing. If you're near Seattle or
Portland, I'd come to your office for a couple of hours. If you're
not near Seattle or Portland, then we'd set you up with LiveMeeting
or some other remote screencast software so I can watch you from here.

Obviously security concerns are an issue - I will not share any
proprietary information that I learn about while visiting you.

In exchange for your help, Microsoft will offer you your pick of free
software off its gratuity list (which has about 50 items, including
Visual Studio Professional, Word for Mac, XBOX 360 games) or any book
from MS Press.

We're doing this because expert functional programmers have not been
studied much. We plan to share our findings through academic
publications, to help tool developers create debugging tools that are
genuinely helpful in real-world settings.

I'm hoping to finish my observations by August 8th, so please contact
me immediately if you're interested!

Thank you,

Chris Bogart

(Correction 7/18/08: I was mistaken in my original posting: I *can* use
participants in Europe as well as the US)

Ada, the Ultimate Lambda?

Chris Oakasaki has a blog post about teaching functional programming using Ada. He says

Why, with excellent functional programming languages like Haskell or ML easily available, would I choose to do a functional programming project in Ada? (I CAN STILL HEAR YOU LAUGHING!) Partly because we use Ada in some courses at our institution, and I wanted a library that could help in teaching recursion to novices. But, honestly, mostly I just wanted to see if it could be done

The idea of crossing paradigms has been around awhile. SICP rather famously introduces object orientation by building it on top of Scheme.

What do you think about teaching or learning paradigm A in a language strongly oriented towards paradigm B? What's gained? What's lost?