
Beyond FRP: physics-inspired programming abstractions?

I've been doing a lot of physics and graphics programming lately, and it seems like many physics concepts might make good programming language abstractions. This idea is sort of in the same spirit of how functional-reactive programming makes time-varying values direct abstractions in the programming language.

One such abstraction could be force. Basically, force acts to change a stateful value over time. In this way, a force is very different from a signal, which more or less specifies a transformation of a stateless value according to time. Although we can fake physical effects such as bouncing using Penner Easing Equations (e.g., BounceEaseOut), real simulation of physical processes requires that we basically abandon signals and use forces instead (possibly through a physics engine). In WPF, this means rather than databind a property, we update periodically in the render loop.

Compared to signals, the nice thing about a force is that it they are composable: the effects of multiple forces can be combined, while a value can't really be bound to multiple signals. E.g., a body's velocity (and ultimately its position) could be affected by gravity and one or more spring forces. Such forces could possibly be extended to other non-physical domains; e.g., market price modeling (just as many physicists use their skills on Wall Street). Collision detection and resolution techniques could be a nice way of dealing more efficiently with detecting the many kinds of events that can occur in a complicated system.

A physics-inspired programming language could entail a drastically different object organization that occurs currently. Possibly, objects would not interact unless some physical connection between them (collision) possibly provided by the environment (e.g., via diffusion ala Repenning's anti-objects). The implementation of a such a language would forgo a traditional interpreter for a physics engine, which could then be accelerated by the GPU using CUDA or through parallelization across multiple cores.

Any thoughts? Crazy idea, plausible PL research direction, or leave this kind of thing to the graphics community?