
MISC: An experimental LISP-like language

MISC started when I got sick of XML's lack of consistent structure and it's heavy markup. I wanted something consistent, clean and executable like LISP but with a more general basic data structure. This was the initial spark "LISP with maps instead of lists".

  • [if [ 5 10] then:[+ 5 10] else:[- 5 10]]
  • [let '[square:[lambda '[x:1] '[* x x]]]
      '[square 12]

  • [take 20 [numbers from:0]]

The result is not a language for real-world use but one that I hope embodies many different unique and novel design decisions in a way that triggers thoughts and ideas in those that take the time to play with it. I've written up some of my experiences of designing the language and a fair bit of documentation. It also runs as an applet with some neat inline documentation.

What's different or why you should be interested:

  • Novel LISP-like language
  • Homoiconicity (ie. source code that is data) using maps
  • A great lazy data-language
  • Cool stuff with metadata
  • A metacircular– interpreter and syntax-colourer

Find out a bit more about MISC, and run it directly in an applet.
(NB. All the examples are clickable and use alt-return to execute code)

Functional Netlists

Functional Netlists, Sungwoo Park, Jinha Kim, Hyeonseung Im. ICFP 2008.

In efforts to overcome the complexity of the syntax and the lack of formal semantics of conventional hardware description languages, a number of functional hardware description languages have been developed. Like conventional hardware description languages, however, functional hardware description languages eventually convert all source programs into netlists, which describe wire connections in hardware circuits at the lowest level and conceal all high-level descriptions written into source programs.

We develop a variant of the lambda calculus, called l-lambda (linear lambda), which may serve as a high-level substitute for netlists. In order to support higher-order functions, l-lambda uses a linear type system which enforces the linear use of variables of function type. The translation of l-lambda into structural descriptions of hardware circuits is sound and complete in the sense that it maps expressions only to realizable hardware circuits and that every realizable hardware circuit has a corresponding expression in l-lambda. To illustrate the use of l-lambda as a high-level substitute for netlists, we design a simple hardware description language that extends l with polymorphism, and use it to implement a Fast Fourier Transform circuit.

Given the recent discussion about hardware synthesis languages, the appearance of this paper seems timely. The use of linear types is perhaps unsurprising from a technical point of view, but it's surprising when you consider how frequently and in how many different contexts they appear.

Also, one thing I don't understand: there's apparently a difference between a "hardware description language" and a "hardware synthesis language". If anyone could explain what the difference means, I'd appreciate it. :)