
Guy Steele & Richard Gabriel: 50 in 50

For those who like their PL History presented in avante guard beat poetry, a video of Steele & Gabriel's 50 in 50 speech at JAOO is made to order. Or as the link says:

A fun, artistic and enlightning presentation full of interesting facts - and who better to do it than Richard P. Gabriel and Guy L. Steele (the great Quux). Nothing more to say than the rallying cry; More cowbell!

Passing aside the Stephen Wright comic delivery of the two speakers, there are a lot of interesting thoughts, though very few are dwelled on. I think the most interesting things were the languages that they chose as expositions for the major ideas that they covered. Here's the ones that I picked out (though I ended up with only 49):

Do LoopsFortran (Pascal,APL)Guarded CommandsAlgol-68
Array OriginC, Fortan, Pascal, APLExtensible LanguagePPL
Domain Specific LanguageAPTStructured ProgrammingBLISS, INTERCAL
Text vs. EnvironmentAlgol-60, Lisp, SmalltalkLanguage as Educational ToolLogo
Stack MachinesBefunge (SECD Machine, Forth)Formal Dynamic SemanticsSECD
Data ParallelismAPLEnumerated TypesPascal
CoercionPL/I (Fortran-V)Backtracking and Theorem ProvingConniver (Prolog)
Hierarchical RecordsCOBOLArgument HandlingCommon Lisp, Ada, Python (VB, C#, Suneido, PL/pgSQ)
Pointers & ListsIPL-VCoding in Natural LanguagePerligata (COBOL, Hypercard)
ParsingYacc (LR1, Recursive Descent)Computational DramaShakespeare
Linked RecordsAEDReasoningProlog
Mathematical SyntaxMADCAP, MIRFAC, Kleerer-May SystemType DeclaratorsC
Line NumbersBasic (Focal, APL)Data AbstractionCLU, Alphard
Visual LanguagesPietDynamic vs. Lexical ScopingScheme
Pattern Matching & ReplacementCOMIT, SNOBOLKnowledge RepresentationKRL (Conniver, Microplanner)
BrandingAda (COMIT, SNOBOL, TRAC)Stream ProcessingLucid
Dynamic LanguagesAMBIT/LGeneric FunctionsCommon Lisp
Program as DataLispReflection3-Lisp
Macro ProcessorTRAC, ML/I, Limp, M4Metacircular InterpretersLisp
Call By Name vs. Call By ValueC, Algol-60Functional ProgrammingKRC
Dangling ElseAlgol-60Control ParallelismOccam
Formal Static SemanticsAlgol-68Domain Specific LanguagesHQ9+, MUMBLE
Algebraic Formula ManipulationFormac (Macsyma, Mathematica)Build LanguagesMake, Ant, Rake (JCL)
Message PassingSmalltalk (C++, C#, Java, Flavors, Common Loops, CLOS, Scheme, Dylan, Simula, Self)ScriptingPerl
ObjectsSimula (Smalltalk, C++, Java)