
Resolving and Exploiting the k-CFA Paradox

Resolving and Exploiting the k-CFA Paradox, Matthew Might, Yannis Smaragdakis, and David Van Horn. To appear in PLDI 2010.

Low-level program analysis is a fundamental problem, taking the shape of "flow analysis" in functional languages and "points-to" analysis in imperative and object-oriented (OO) languages. Despite the similarities, the vocabulary and results in the two communities remain largely distinct, with limited cross-understanding. One of the few links is Shivers's k-CFA work, which has advanced the concept of "context-sensitive analysis" and is widely known in both communities. Recent results, however, indicate that the relationship between the different incarnations of the analysis is not understood.

Van Horn and Mairson proved k-CFA for k ≥ 1 to be EXPTIME-complete, hence no polynomial algorithm exists. Yet there have been multiple polynomial formulations of context-sensitive points-to analyses in OO languages. Is functional k-CFA a profoundly different analysis from OO k-CFA? We resolve this paradox by showing that OO features conspire to make the exact same specification of k-CFA be polynomial-time: objects and closures are subtly different, in a way that interacts crucially with context-sensitivity. This leads to a significant practical result: by emulating the OO approximation, we derive a polynomial hierarchy of context-sensitive CFAs for functional programs, simultaneously achieving high precision and efficiency.

I learned that performance bounds on flow analysis were fascinating from earlier work by David van Horn and Harry Mairson, so it's good to see that this line of work is still being continued, and even better to see new algorithms come out of it.

Mutable objects with monadic methods

Hi! This is my first post, and I am just a Ph.D. student, so please be twice patient in case my question is really dumb.

I was wondering if anyone ever tried mixing monads (especially state/continuation monads) and object encodings to achieve an "Objective Haskell". This way we could get mutable objects which behave very closely to Java/C# ones and with a relatively similar syntax thanks to syntactic sugar for monads.