
From type systems to language systems?

As a matter of "kick-start" to a discussion about something I'm sort of "obsessed" with (*), lately :

* What if from our current "successful" OO type systems coming out-of-the-box in the execution platform, with reflective capabilities (see Java, .NET, ...) and metadata-based patterns of thought for problem solving (1,2) ... we would slowly but surely end up --we like it or not (3)-- entering a new paradigm, where DSLs have become first class citizens of the new platforms, much like types today? (type systems-centric logic vs. language/modeling systems-centric logic) ?

* Assumption/question : I reckon, that would likely be nothing really new, actually, just a matter of applying a raise in abstraction of how we bake artifacts (documents, code, end-user results, etc). More specifically, that would be yet another use of reification thinking processes and alike/related. But then... couldn't or SHOULDn't we draw useful lessons, from those reflection-enabled type systems (which seemingly tend to ease the implementation of loosely coupled architecture designs) and Berners Lee's and Fielding's (4) works regarding scalability?

I do think we should, but thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts, much welcome.


Go's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism

Here it is: Proposal for an exception-like mechanism by Rob Pike.

As I understand it, he means panic/recover primary as a way to shield the whole program execution from "truly exceptional situations" like out of bounds array access, etc. in "submodules". Like bug in request handling code taking the whole web server down.

What do you think about such hybrid "panic/recover (rarely) + error codes all over the place" error handling model?