
Games and Languages

Hi! I have just finished supervising a student whose thesis was about the impact of modeling the logic of a videogame with various approaches: oo imperative, oo immutable, functional immutable and functional monadic.

I was wondering if anyone here could suggest a conference where we could submit this kind of work :)

broken - iPhone PL lockdown

The "iPhone PL lockdown" topic is listed in active forum topics, but when clicked I get "Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page."

Edit: changed title to not conflict with the actual topic.

Representing Type Information in Dynamically Typed Languages

This is a classic paper, currently up on the scheme repository. It's about implementation strategies for dynamically typed languages, and I wanted to recommend it to LtU members because I found it very helpful.

Dynamic typing is easy to implement, but hard to implement well. Usually you wind up writing some ASM or non-portable C code that goes down to details of the OS that, technically, you should not rely on, like how many of the lowest bits of pointers returned from malloc() are always zero. If you write something portable, the result tends to be both larger and slower than you'd like, unless you learn a lot of tricks for avoiding typechecks in the first place.

So there's a complicated design space with a lot of tradeoffs, and the costs and benefits of each are not necessarily obvious. It would be nice to read a survey of implementation techniques with discussion of the tradeoffs rather than experiment and slowly work out all this stuff on your own, right? Well, here is that survey:

Representing Type Information in Dynamically Typed Languages

It's getting a bit old though; does anybody know where the equivalent paper could be found for modern (multi-core, multi-CPU, pipelining) architectures?