
The Clay language

I saw this first in a Hacker News post and haven't seen it mentioned here yet, so I hope this is of interest:

The Clay programming language describes itself as a language designed for generic programming. It also aims to be a systems programming language, which I suppose puts it into competition with BitC, Rust and some of the other languages which have been discussed here lately.

There isn't any documentation on the site beyond a few examples, but there's a very informative thread on reddit where the language author responds to lots of questions.

Some points of interest are that it includes a goto statement and explicitly doesn't do garbage collection. The generic programming aspect is interesting too I think, but I'm too much of a layman to evaluate it: the author claims it does a different kind of type inference to Hindley-Milner and the compiler generates type-specialised code. Besides that, I think it looks like a nicely pragmatic combination of well-known ideas, but what do you all think?