
Semi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging

Oleg Kiselyov has just posted another amazing work: Semi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging.

Batching several remote-procedure or remote-object operations into one request decreases the number of network client/server round-trips, reduces the communication overhead and indeed significantly improves performance of distributed applications. The benefits are offset by the cost of restructuring the code to incite large batches; and by the increase in the difficulty of reasoning about the code, predicting its performance let alone establishing correctness. The overall research goal is to reduce the downside.

We describe a semi-implicit batching mechanism that makes the points of remote server communication explicit yet conceals the proxies, saving the trouble of writing them. The changes to the client code are minimal: mainly, adding calls to force. The type-checker will not let the programmer forget to call force. The remote batch server is simple and generic, with no need to optimize for specific clients.

Our mechanism batches both independent and data-dependent remote calls. Our mechanism is compositional, letting the programmer build nested applications and conditional (and, potentially, iterative) statements using composition, application and naming. Writing a remote program is exactly like writing a typed local program, which is type-checked locally, and can even be executed locally (for debugging).

The key insights are treating remote execution as a form of staging (meta-programming), generalizing mere remote function calls to remote applicative and conditional expressions, and introducing an embedded domain-specific language, Chourai, for such expressions. A batch of dependent remote function calls can then be regarded as a complex applicative expression in the A-normal form. Another key insight is that emulating call-by-value via call-by-need surprisingly makes sense.

Here's an example piece of Chourai code, for deleting albums whose rating is below 5 among the first n albums of an album database (called "large") hosted by the server. get_album, next_album, and similar functions constitute the "RPC" interface to the server.

     let delete_low_rating n =
      let rec loop album i =
        let t = guard (app2 lt (app get_rating album) (int 5)) 
                      (fun () -> app delete_album album) in
        if i >= n then force t else
        loop (app next_album album) (succ i)
      in loop (app get_album (string "large")) 0;;

Amazingly, delete_low_rating 4 requires just one round-trip to the server!