
Concurrent Pattern Calculus

Concurrent Pattern Calculus by Thomas Given-Wilson, Daniele Gorla, and Barry Jay:

Concurrent pattern calculus drives interaction between processes by comparing data structures, just as sequential pattern calculus drives computation. By generalising from pattern matching to pattern unification , interaction becomes symmetrical, with information flowing in both directions. This provides a natural language for describing any form of exchange or trade. Many popular process calculi can be encoded in concurrent pattern calculi.

Barry Jay's Pattern Calculus has been discussed a few times here before. I've always been impressed with the pattern calculus' expressive power for computing over arbitrary structure. The pattern calculus supports new forms of polymorphism, which he termed "path polymorphism" and "pattern polymorphism", which are difficult to provide in other calculi. The closest I can think of would be a compiler-provided generalized fold over any user-defined structure.

This work extends the pattern calculus to the concurrent setting by adding constructs for parallel composition, name restriction and replication, and argues convincingly for its greater expressiveness as compared to other concurrent calculi. He addresses some of the obvious concerns for symmetric information flow of the unification operation.

Seeking papers that unify control theory and programming language design

I've seen some inspiring topology-related papers here on LtU, but I don't ever remember reading papers about control theory. So I figured I would go ahead and ask if there are any classical papers or even any fresh off the press papers I could perhaps read.