
Coding at the Speed of Touch

Phew, I'm done with my paper submission* and would appreciate feedback from anyone interested in this topic. Abstract:

Although programming is one of the most creative things that one can do with a computer, there is currently no way to make programs on an increasingly popular class of tablet computers. Tablets appear unable to support capable (proficient) programming experiences because of their small form factor and touch-centric input. This paper demonstrates how co-design of a programming language and its environment can overcome these challenges to create a language, YinYang, that focuses on do-it-yourself game creation on tablets. YinYang's programming model is based on tile and behavior constructs that simplify program structure for effective display and input on tablets, and also supports the definition and safe reuse of new abstractions to be competitive with capable programming languages. This paper details YinYang's design and evaluates our initial experience through a prototype that runs on current tablet hardware.

* Please excuse the extra icon click, I can't figure out how to link files from Skydrive directly.

Edit: updated paper and new abstract, this will go back to the reviewers soon.