
the gnu extension language

I found this to be an entertaining and interesting read: the gnu extension language, by Andy Wingo, maintainer of Guile.

Guile is the GNU extension language. This is the case because Richard Stallman said so, 17 years ago. Beyond being a smart guy, Richard is powerfully eloquent: his "let there be Guile" proclamation was sufficient to activate the existing efforts to give GNU a good extension language. These disparate efforts became a piece of software, a community of hackers and users, and an idea in peoples' heads, on their lips, and at their fingertips.

The two features of Guile he highlights are macros ("With most languages, either you have pattern matching, because Joe Armstrong put it there, or you don't") and delimited continuations.

The accompanying slides, The User in the Loop, for the 2011 GNU Hackers Meeting are also noteworthy, because they are not as dry as usual PL fare - instead Wingo revives the spirit of the Portland Pattern Repository:

  • "Thesis: Some places just feel right"
  • "Architectural patterns help produce that feeling"
  • "E11y [extensibility] is fundamental to human agency and happiness"
  • "Moglen: ‘Software is the steel of the 21st century’"
  • "Building Materials: Le Corbusier's concrete; GNU's C"

[Update: Video now available.]