
SPLASH 2011 Video Conversations on Channel 9

I was fortunate enough to get the chance to chat with some language designers at SPLASH 2011 - and record the conversations (video format - WMV, MP4 - you do NOT need Silverlight to watch them...).

The first two conversations have been posted - Brendan Eich on JavaScript and Gilad Bracha on Dart and Newspeak. More to follow (David Ungar, William Cook, Dave Thomas, Andrew Black and James Noble (Grace), JavaScript modules designer Sam Tobin-Hochstad, Mark Miller and Kresten Thorup)

Brendan Eich - JavaScript Today and Tomorrow

Gilad Bracha - Dart, Newspeak, and More

Dave Thomas - On Modern Application Development

Andrew Black and James Noble - The Grace Programming Language Project

Mark Miller - Secure JavaScript

David Ungar - Self, ManyCore, and Embracing Non-Determinism

Link to all SPLASH 2011 Conversations on C9 (posts will grow over time)
