
Graphics primitives?

I want to recreate most of graphics primitives (lines, rectangles, circles, filling, gradients, ...) myself from scratch. From the deepest zero, like composing usefull functions from combinators. What are analogues to combinators or λ-abstractions in graphics creating?

The first-in-mind thought was "gotoxy, setpixel, getpixel", but it can deal only with raster canvas. The basic "pendown, penup, moveto" is not so bad, but how to express filling of area with it or draw raster images (or drawing curves, thick lines)? Furthermore, I mentioned only monochrome drawings, what are primitives when dealing with colors? RGB, CMYK, 16-bit color-components? What is the ground found in computer graphics reserch area, which can be extended to something usefull?

Language to deal with it is haskell (or haskell-like). I expect to recreate canvas-drawing abilities of frameworks like "SVG", "OpenGL", "LOGO", gui-like interfaces, and have extensibility to reimplement all other frameworks (GTK, QT, directx, ..?). (last question is joke, indeed, just wanted to show list of possible uses).

Maybe there is no unifing ground for all I metioned. Then the question is: what are branches of computer graphics and ground reserch state with this braches?

Visual Studio Achievements

From the it-had-to-happen department, Announcing Visual Studio Achievements Beta:

Impress your friends! Earn achievements while you code! Code while you earn achievements!

What's troubling is that the list of achievements in fact includes various anti-achievements such as Go To Hell (for using goto), Potty Mouth ("Use 5 different curse words in a file"), Turtles All The Way Down ("Write a class with ten levels of inheritance") etc.

In the grim future of gamified PLT, you'll not only be tyrannised by your BDFL, your aberrances from the One Microsoft Way will be broadcast to your peers in realtime.

Also: XCode achievements on Twitter.