
Evolution of mainstream programming language paradigms

I have been thinking recently about what makes the mainstream language a mainstream. And I think that the mainstream programming language paradigms generally evolve using the following evolution pattern:

  1. Complexity Pain: complexity of reasoning about some aspects of the programs growth fastest with program growth. At some time amount of efforts required to reason about some piece of code becomes unreasonable.
  2. Virtual Structure: Organizing program according to virtual structure that makes reasoning about that aspect of the program easier.
  3. Explicit Structure: Develop language, that makes virtual structure explicit by introducing additional meta-level constructs, that organize constructs of the previous levels into the structure.

In paradigm for mainsteam languages we could obviously see the chain when the following level organizes the previous one.

  1. [Conditional] jumps, memory assignments,and register arithmetics (assemblers).
  2. Statements (FORTRAN).
  3. Blocks, procedures, and data types (C, Pascal).
  4. Classes (abstraction over procedures and data types) (C++)
  5. Components (abstraction over classes and interfaces that differenitates techinical and intential aspects) (Java, C#, VB.NET, VB+COM, JavaScript[only halve way here])

As we see here, the next generation always abstracted previous level, and it was exactly one level abstraction. The functional languages so far do not fit into this picture.

The LISP was not one step jump, they are many step jump. Many features of LISP got into mainstream (the latest were garbage collection and lambda expressions), but there are some things to integerate (like internal DSLs). So LIPS was a kind of peak experience for programming language paradigms.

To me Haskell and ML did not offer appropriate one-step abstraction over structured programming. ML modules were only half-step abstraction over data and procedures, since data and functions were still different concepts. There were also halfway abstraction of data and behavior in the form of lambda expressions, but it was a single-method object, but GUI toolkits (current complexity challlenge at that time) required many-methods objects for appropriate abstraction.

If we look to the sequence, the next step should be some abstraction over components, and I think it would be component systems. We could see the early component systems as libraries now (Spring, GUI toolkits, EJB3, Plugins in Eclipse and IDEA, UML2, etc).

I have written more details why I think so in this document. It also contains an initial list of requirements for the possible next generation mainstream language. I think it will be a component system programming langauge (CSPL). So the document is named CSPL Challenge. I think typing and and type-checking component systems would be a quite interesting research topic. And maybe there are already some results out there, that fit requirement exactly.