
Google Blockly Lets You Hack With No Keyboard

Following on from recent discussions about graphical languages in the Russian space program, here's a recent story about Google's new visual programming language.

Cade Metz, "Google Blockly Lets You Hack With No Keyboard", Wired Enterprise.

Now available on Google Code — the company’s site for hosting open source software — the new language is called Google Blockly, and it’s reminiscent of Scratch, a platform developed at MIT that seeks to turn even young children into programmers.

As the Blockly FAQ says, "Blockly was influenced by App Inventor, which in turn was influenced by Scratch." So if you've seen Scratch before, this will look very familiar. If you haven't seen Scratch, and want to have a go with Blockly, you can find the maze demo from the Wired story here.