
Talents: Dynamically Composable Units of Reuse

Talents: Dynamically Composable Units of Reuse by Jorge Ressia, Tudor Gîrba, Oscar Nierstrasz, Fabrizio Perin, and Lukas Renggli. Proceedings of International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies (IWST 2011), p. 109—118, 2011.

Reuse in object-oriented languages typically focuses on inheritance. Numerous techniques have been developed to provide finer-grained reuse of methods, such as flavors, mixins and traits. These techniques, however, only deal with reuse at the level of classes. Class-based reuse is inherently static. Increasing use of reflection and meta-programming techniques in real world applications underline the need for more dynamic approaches. New approaches have shifted to object-specific reuse. However, these techniques fail to provide a complete solution to the composition issues arising during reuse. We propose a new approach that deals with reuse at the object level and that supports behavioral composition. We introduce a new abstraction called a talent which models features that are shared between objects of different class hierarchies. Talents provide a composition mechanism that is as flexible as that of traits but which is dynamic.

Matthew Flatt on Racket Submodules

A blog post on the Racket Blog describes Racket newly-added submodules, along with interesting use cases.

Submodules provide nested namespaces, but that kind of nesting is already available through forms like define-package. The power of submodules is that they can be separately loaded and separately run relative to their enclosing modules, in the same way that top-level modules can be separately load and run. This separation of dependencies means that submodules can be used to add code and information to modules—such as tests, documentation, and parsing information—that is loaded only when specifically requested.


At some level, syntactic nesting of modules is an obvious feature to include in a module system. Nevertheless, Racket’s submodules are not like nested modules most languages—including Python, Chez, or ML—where nesting is for namespace management and nested modules are always instantiated in along with the enclosing module. Racket submodules can be used in a similar way, but the fact that submodules are separately loadable makes them available to solve a larger class of problems.

If I had to pick just one analogy, I’d say that submodules are most like a generalization of annotations in the Java sense. Java annotations allow the decoration of code with metadata, and the annotations are preserved through run time, so that annotations can be inspected in source, in compiled code, or reflectively at run time. Java annotations are limited to data, so that any abstraction or programatic interpretation of the data depends on yet another external tool and language, or else the code part (such as test to run for a @Test annotation) is difficult to separate from the main program. C# attributes are slightly more general, in that the data can have associated methods, but attribute code is still mingled with run-time code. Submodules generalize annotations to make them “live,” so that the language of annotations can include expressions, functions, and even syntactic extensions, while allowing the annotation/submodule code to stay separate from the base code.

Abstraction wins: An approach to framing and mutability

Tony Hoare wrote his paper "An axiomatic basis for computer programming" in 1969. This led to the so called "Hoare Logic" for software verification.

Up to now all attempts to prove software correct which is written in a language which allows mutable types and references have not yet been satisfactory because of the "framing" or "alias" problem. An object might be reached through different references. Therefore it is necessary to specify not only what a procedure modifies, but also what it leaves unchanged.

Various techniques have been invented to get a hand on this problem: Separation logic, alias calculus, "modify/use" annotations.

In the paper An approach to framing and mutability a new approach is described. It is based on implicit frame contracts. The writer of a procedure just specifies what the procedure is going to modify with the implicit contract that it modifies nothing unspecified. By using a dependency graph of all functions a complete frame contract can be derived from the implicit frame contract.

The paper demonstrates that the derived frame contracts coincide with the ones a user is expecting intuitively.