
Theory of a Declarative Language

I'm working on a declarative configuration language for an application. The language is mostly structured data (think JSON). It also has variables, so you can define variables in one part of it and use them in another. You can import definitions from another file and its contents is merged with the local data in a predictable way. And you can extend substructures by referencing other substructures (a simple form of data inheritance, a bit like prototype-based objects without methods). The only control flow-like construct is a sequence, no branching, loops or conditionals.

The language is developed on a make-do basis, adding features as new requirements pop up. But I would like to base this against a more disciplined approach. Is there a theory for such primitive languages? Literature?

Synth Project Announcement

Short description of the project would be a new programming language, cloud OS and crowdsourced community that collects donations.

12 page abstract is here