
OOPSLA 2013 advance tech program up

50 papers...some of them are even related to objects (author/institution names elided for brevity):

  1. Input-Covering Schedules for Multithreaded Programs
  2. Data-Driven Equivalence Checking
  3. Efficient Context Sensitivity for Dynamic Analyses via Calling Context Uptrees and Customized Memory Management
  4. Inductive Invariant Generation via Abductive Inference
  5. Resurrector: A Tunable Object Lifetime Profiling Technique for Optimizing Real-World Programs
  6. Code Optimizations Using Formally Verified Properties
  7. CDSChecker: Checking Concurrent Data Structures Written with C/C++ Atomics
  8. Empirical Analysis of Programming Language Adoption
  9. River Trail: A Path to Parallelism in JavaScript
  10. Barrier Invariants: A Shared State Abstraction for the Analysis of Data-Dependent GPU Kernels
  11. Online-Feedback-Directed Optimizations for Parallel Java Code
  12. Octet: Capturing and Controlling Cross-Thread Dependences Efficiently
  13. Semi-Automatic Rename Refactoring for JavaScript
  14. Ball-Larus Path Profiling Across Multiple Loop Iterations
  15. Combining Concern Input with Program Analysis for Bloat Detection
  16. Detecting API Documentation Errors
  17. Set-Based Pre-Processing for Points-To Analysis
  18. Multiverse: Efficiently supporting distributed high-level speculation
  19. On-the-fly Detection of Instability Problems in Floating-Point Program Execution
  20. Taking Off the Gloves with Reference Counting Immix
  21. Do Developers Benefit from Generic Types? An Empirical Comparison of Generic and Raw Types in Java
  22. Bottle Graphs: Visualizing Scalability Bottlenecks in Multi-Threaded Applications
  23. Class Hierarchy Complementation: Soundly Completing a Partial Type Graph
  24. Storage Strategies for Collections in Dynamically Typed Languages
  25. Relaxed Separation Logic: A Program Logic for C11 Concurrency
  26. Turning Nondeterminism into Parallelism
  27. Isolation for Nested Task-Parallelism
  28. Forsaking Inheritance: Supercharged Delegation in DelphJ
  29. Python: The Full Monty; A Tested Semantics for the Python Programming Language
  30. Miniboxing: Improving the Speed to Code Size Tradeoff in Parametric Polymorphism Translations
  31. Effective Race Detection for Event-Driven Programs
  32. Efficient Concurrency-Bug Detection Across Inputs
  33. On-the-fly Capacity Planning
  34. The Latency, Accuracy, and Battery (LAB) Abstraction: Programmer Productivity and Energy Efficiency for Continuous Mobile Context Sensing
  35. Flexible Access Control Policies with Delimited Histories and Revocation
  36. Interacting with Dead Objects
  37. Refactoring with Synthesis
  38. Language Support for Dynamic, Hierarchical Data Partitioning
  39. Verifying Quantitative Reliability of Programs That Execute on Unreliable Hardware
  40. Object-Oriented Pickler Combinators and an Extensible Generation Framework
  41. Option Contracts
  42. Targeted and Depth-first Exploration for Systematic Testing of Android Apps
  43. Ironclad C++: A Library-Augmented Type-Safe Subset of C++
  44. Injecting Mechanical Faults to Localize Developer Faults for Evolving Software
  45. Guided GUI Testing of Android Applications with Minimal Restart and Approximate Learning
  46. Steering Symbolic Execution to Less Traveled Paths
  47. MrCrypt: Static Analysis for Secure Cloud Computations
  48. Synthesis Modulo Recursive Functions
  49. Bounded Partial-Order Reduction
  50. Fully Concurrent Garbage Collection of Actors in Many-Core Machines