
a little language for platform games

I'm new here but I'm not quite sure whether I'm in the right place. I've designed a few languages as a hobby and produced their associated compilers/interpreters etc but I'll admit I don't understand half of the terminology used on this site. I actually find it quite difficult even navigating the site - I assume using free forum software like phpBB was looked down upon for some reason. I guess having a simple description stating what the forum is about met with a similar fate :)

My current project is a little language to allow non programmers to produce platform games so it's certainly not a generic language but hopefully it might get kids producing games and showing them to their friends. Is this the right place to discus the language and ask any questions I might have? I don't mind a little criticism. If so, where should I post? and, if not, are there any suitable forums anywhere?

The following is some example code that places some moving coloured boxes across the screen and allows the player to jump across them to the exit point:

"Bouncing boxes" at 200, 440

man at 10 400
exit at 560, 250

define mybox
    box 40 by 40
    action stand
    move up 100 then reverse

loop x 10 to 540 step 90
    mybox at x 200 colour random
