
Syntax for reification of types

Hi all,

I've got a little language with a syntax resembling C#. It is statically typed, and performs type inference. Functions are polymorphic, and don't require the type of the arguments to be explicit. I am trying to avoid dynamic typing as much as possible. Functions are reified during function invocation based on the inferred type of the arguments. In order to pass a function as an argument, or store it in a variable, I need a convenient way of performing the reificiation.

Here is the syntax that I am considering:

var fxn1 = (int, int) -> (x, y) => x * y;
var fxn2 = (int, int) -> Multiply;
var fxn3 = (int[3][], float[3][]) -> ComputeNormals;

As in C# the "=>" operator represent the lambda operator but here the symbol "->" now represents the function reification operator. Does this make sense? Any other suggestions or examples of how it is done in other languages?

Thanks in advance!