
A StackExchange Site for Programming Language Theory

I recently created a proposal for a StackExchange site for Programming Language Theory. It is currently in the Definition stage and it requires a plethora of good quality questions - questions which you would expect to see on the actual site once it is created. There are already a few example questions. However most of the questions are by users who seem to be only enthusiasts. We need more followers who are experts at PLT to give the site a definite shape.

Update: I (Ehud) am promoting this thread to the home page. It seems that the proposal has a good chance, if enough people commit to participate (see the discussion thread). I presume LtU readers would want to know about this process, and make up their own minds about whether they want to join or not.

Diseases in Code

- Synopsis -

What is Code Disease?

A code disease is a pervasive property of a code base that harms or destroys basic ease of software development and maintenance. Often propagating problems up to the business execution and strategic levels, code diseases are costly and risk-inducing. As its strong name indicates, a code disease is very serious and potentially threatening, with its first victims the morale and sanity of the developers who live with it daily, and its final victims the customers who are punished for relying on your business’s affected systems.

Please find the PDF here - Diseases in Code (rev. 5)

LtU is the first place I've posted this, so hopefully I can get a bit of feedback!