
Announcing Lang.NEXT 2014 - Registration is Free and Now Open

Lang.NEXT is a cross-industry conference on what’s trending in programming languages (optional types, anyone?), occurs every couple of years, and is sponsored by Microsoft. We bring together a broad range of language experts as speakers as well as audience, and focus on a lively and intense exchange of ideas, straddling the usual barriers between different segments of the community, and between academia and industry.

I am very happy to let you know that the 2014 Lang.NEXT conference is now open for registration.

Here is the 2014 program (more details to appear!) which includes keynotes by C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup and functional programming fundamentalist (reformed?) Erik Meijer. We have a great list of speakers for this iteration of Lang.NEXT. Please join us on May 29-30, 2014 in lovely downtown San Francisco at the Microsoft Office on 835 Market Street. Attendance is free of charge (and there will be free beer, breakfast/lunch and an attendee party - a first for Lang.NEXT!). Registration is required and seating is limited. If you register, then please do actually attend.

Hoping to see you there!

Charles and the Lang.NEXT team (Mads, Dustin, Jonathan and Luke)